journ i think u live in md also?
im in aa county.
sports page out of new york maybe
great pager good service.
always get the updated does not go down.
they fix it if it brakes.
i have ben whith them for about 10 years.
oi pay every 6 mounths like 209$
also u can make it a personal pager which i dont have.
has the hourse also some tracks alot here on the east coast.
batter by batter update whith names and everything all mlb games.
football all scoreing and who did it and how.
updates every 2 min in all the sports.
nba nhl mlb coll hops also
i love it and if u are a all around sports fan u will also.
in fact i have a old one the biger pager i dont use it at all.
not sure if u can still use it.
i went whith the smaller one when they came out.